One of the many pressing capital/infrastructure updates needed by our beloved church is a new roof. Our current roof is the original one installed when the church was built. It reached its end-of-life 5 to 10 years ago. As a result, we have been continually patching and repairing . . . but not replacing. Early in 2012, Pastor Moss was given a vision to not just replace the roof, but to replace it with a roof that ties directly into our theology of liberation and environmental stewardship. We will replace it with a “Green” roof, one that filters the rain, returning clean water to the environment, and one that derives energy from the sun, providing electricity to the church and potentially, to our community; and, importantly, a roof that has an extended life that will continue to pay dividends into the next generation.
Although our new roof is the center point of the campaign, more generally, we are raising the roof on our capacity to do ministry now and in the future, by making a wide array of necessary infrastructure improvements, including: roofs on other properties; heating and air conditioning systems; modernizing our worship center; repaving our parking lots, and other overdue improvements. Our goal is to raise $5 million over the next 3-5 years. We are building the foundation for the next 50 years.
The original campaign video provides the initial rationale for our project, our goals for sustainability and utilization of green tech.
In order for this campaign to be successful, we must begin with prayer and fasting. We have a committee in place that has been dutifully praying and fasting, and who will be coordinating special opportunities over the course of the campaign for us to pray and fast as a church family. Each individual member should continually include Trinity UCC in their prayers as we seek to continue to be a beacon of God’s loyalty and evidence of the power of faith in our community and the world.
In addition, we will all be asked to make a 5-year financial commitment to the Raise the Roof Campaign. Please be prayerful and consult with your family as you make this important decision to trust God. As the following pyramid indicates, we will need many gifts at many levels to reach the $5,000,000 goal. Each gift of every size is important!