As move past the halfway point in our Raise the Roof Campaign, I am looking forward to what God has in store for Trinity UCC. As the Executive Minister of Stewardship, my team is responsible for managing the financial accounting of the campaign. we work hard to provide consistent and accurate communications to our members, and reports to our congregation.
Taking advantage of the latest in green technologies as we reinvigorate our aging infrastructure is a wonderful way to match what we preach, with what we practice. It is truly a blessing for me to be in a position to witness our church moving into this exciting area. We will be joining our Chicago neighbors, the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, Chicago City Hall, and the Chicago Center for Green Technology, as well as other churches: Florida Avenue Baptist Church (DC), Faith Lutheran Church (CA), and First Unitarian Meeting House (WI), in making “green” a pivotal part of our infrastructure.
Together, we continue to make great things happen at Trinity UCC.
Thank you for your continued trust in the Trinity UCC Leadership team, and for your generosity toward your church.
God bless you,
Rev. Mark A. Smith
Executive Minister of Stewardship