Trinitarian Memorial Opportunities
In addition to the opportunities to memorialize family members and other loved ones by making targeted gifts in support of specific projects and spaces within Trinity UCC, the Raise the Roof Campaign will be developing memorials to honor Trinitarians. The Stewardship Committee of the Raise the Roof campaign has developed a list of notable Trinitarians to be considered.
As you consider your pledge to the campaign, it is anticipated that members of the congregation will also coalesce around these, or others (this isn’t a finite list), and form giving circles/teams to raise the funds needed to honor an individual. The primary criteria for honoring Trinitarians in this manner: They must have been active members of the church, have contributed significantly to the growth of the church and/or a specific ministry, and the giving circle/team must meet the financial goal to be determined by the Raise the Roof Stewardship Committee (who also has responsibility for designating and approving the memorial funds).
The Pastors of Trinity United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III (2008-Present)
Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. (1972-2008)
Rev. Dr. Reuben A. Sheares II (1971-1972)
Rev. Willie B. Jameson (1967-1971)
Rev. Dr. Kenneth B. Smith (1961-1966)
Notable Trinitarians
Rev. Barbara J. Allen - Executive Minister
Dr. Jeffrey P. Radford - Minister of Music
Rev. Samuel Ellis - Minister for Sick and Shut-In
Nina Gilbert - Youth Ministries
Cheryl Guyton – Youth Ministries
Anthony Hollins - Dance Ministry
Rosalia Holt - Yoga Ministry
Deacon Morris Jefferson - Men’s Chorus/Deacon Ministry
Delores Johnson - Credit Union
Vallmer and Ethel Jordan - Married Couples
Mary Jane Marshall - Church Office Manager
Deacon Don Moody - Drug and Alcohol Recovery Ministry
Alzetta Pincham - Can-Cer-Vive Ministry
Judge Eugene Pincham - Micah Legal Ministry/Law Day
Barbara Smith - Music Ministry
Mary Francis Weathers - Minister-In-Training
Deacon Donald A. Young - Sanctuary Choir Conductor